上野千鶴子さんがどこかで 「情報は落差から生まれる。落差のファジーゾーンが広いほど大きな情報が得られる」 とおっしゃっていたような気がするけど、だとしたら、気候の極端な違いを体験した今回の縦断は、住宅のことを考えるうえでアドバンテージである。

I went to Tokyo last weekend by the local train. I underwent the opposite aspects of climate of Japan.
The snow at Nagaoka had begun to melt into spring, but in the mid area of Uonuma, heavy snow was still staying. And in the Kanto area and Tokyo, it was absolutely fine weather.
It is hard for people in Tokyo or Nagaoka to imagine the climate of other area, but I know both of them. This is the advantage for me in designing architecture.
However, at last, I guess that my architecture will reach to holding good beyond the difference of circumstances even in Tokyo or Nagaoka or other area.
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